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Denmark Technical College

Denmark Technical College test

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Enrollment Not Available
Application Fee Not Available
Denmark Technical College is a public, comprehensive, Historically Black, two-year technical college located in rural Bamberg County in South Carolina. The college annually serves approximately 2,000 credit and continuing education students, a mix of traditional, nontraditional, full-time and part-time. Denmark Technical College is the only technical college in the State of South Carolina with on-campus housing. As a member of the South Carolina Technical College System, Denmark Technical Colleges mission is related to the educational mission of the State of South Carolina and the Technical College System. The Colleges primary service area is comprised of Bamberg, Barnwell, and Allendale Counties with a legislated mandate to serve students throughout the state. As an open-door institution, the College provides affordable, post-secondary education culminating in associate degrees, diplomas, and certificates, to citizens from diverse educational and socioeconomic backgrounds and reaches out to its service area high schools with opportunities for the students. The college provides training needed by business and industry through collaborative partnerships and resource allocation.
Type Enrollment GPA ACT SAT Scholarship GPA Scholarship ACT Scholarship SAT Popular Majors
Application Fee Waiver Application Fee Application Type Online Application Waiver On-Site Admissions Website Link
No No www.denmarktech.edu